Build The Manifest

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Revision as of 12:37, 18 November 2013 by Paul Blankenbaker (talk | contribs)
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  • Boot the current build of the NST ISO image.
  • Use the make manifest HOST=IP to generate the current manifest.
  • Create the file include/manifest/release-RELEASE-SVNID.xml where RELEASE is the NST release (like: 2.15.0) and SVNID is one more than the current revision number reported by Subversion (since our next commit will cause this number to bump up by 1). For example, if the revision number reported is 2511, then use 2512 as the SVNID.
  • Commit the updated manifest file.
  • Force the nstwui, nstmenu and nstweb packages to be rebuilt.

Here is an example of what these steps might look like:

[root@dev18-32 repo]# make manifest HOST=nst-probe

... Output and re-generation of:
    include/manifest/current.xml ...

[root@dev18-32 repo]# xmllint include/manifest/current.xml > /dev/null
[root@dev18-32 repo]# grep '%' include/manifest/current.xml
[root@dev18-32 repo]# grep '\\' include/manifest/current.xml 
[root@dev18-32 repo]# sed -i -e 's,\\,,g' include/manifest/current.xml # Example of removing back-slashes 
[root@dev18-32 repo]# xmllint include/manifest/current.xml > /dev/null
[root@dev18-32 repo]# svn info
Path: .
Working Copy Root Path: /root/repo
Repository Root:
Repository UUID: b5e161f0-cc72-4f2a-9017-da5bd5071a9c
Revision: 4504
Node Kind: directory
Schedule: normal
Last Changed Author: rwhalb
Last Changed Rev: 4504
Last Changed Date: 2013-04-12 15:13:52 -0400 (Fri, 12 Apr 2013)

[root@dev18-32 repo]# cp include/manifest/current.xml include/manifest/release-18-4505.xml
[root@dev18-32 repo]# svn add include/manifest/release-18-4505.xml
[root@dev18-32 repo]# emacs -nw html/welcome.html # Look for and update SVN number to match 4505 above
[root@dev18-32 repo]# svn commit -m "Updated manifest for upcoming release"

... Output from the commit ...

[root@dev18-32 repo]# make -C yum nstwui-remove nstweb-remove nstmenu-remove

... This remove will force them to be rebuilt ...

[root@dev18-32 repo]#

***Note1: One may need to edit the current release file: "include/manifest/current.xml" prior to copying it for misbehaved characters. Hopefully the xmllint and grep searches for the % and "\" characters will detect any issues.

***Note2: You will likely need to update the html/welcome.html page with the next SVN revision number (4505 in this example).

***Note3: You only need to update the manifest on the 32 bit development machine. On the 64 bit machine you will just run svn update to get the newly committed manifest. Also, it won't hurt to run the following on the 64 bit machine:

[root@dev18-64 repo]# make -C yum nstwui-remove nstweb-remove nstmenu-remove