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2011-01-22 NST Distribution v2.13.0-1713 (Maintenance Release) Is Available Today.
2010-11-01 Emerging Threats Pro Snort Rules Access Now Available.
Access to the Emerging Threats Pro Snort Rules are now available as a "Base Snort Rule Set Bundle Archive" on the NST WUI Snort page. Register and get your "Oink Code" now to try it out. You will need to update your NST system first. The Emerging Threats Open Snort rules have been also added as an "Addition Snort Rule Set Archive".
2010-11-04 The Five Best Linux Live CDs
We made Joe 'Zonker' Brockmeier's list of The Five Best Linux Live CDs.
2010-10-25 Refactored method to prevent Browser Window Pop-Ups when performing Network Entity Geolocations.
To update from the command line use: "yum update". To update using the NST WUI: Go to the "NST Package Update Management" page and use the "Update NST System" button.
2010-10-14 jre v1.6.0_22 Update Available From The NST RPM Repo
To update it from the command line use: "yum update --nogpgcheck jre nst-jre". The --nogpgcheck option is only required for x86_64 (64 bit) NST installations. A i686 (32 bit) NST installation can be updated using the command line or by using the NST WUI: Go to the "NST Package Update Management" page and use the "Update NST System" button.
2010-10-14 wireshark v1.4.1 Update Available From The NST RPM Repo
To update it from the command line use: "yum update". To update it using the NST WUI: Go to the "NST Package Update Management" page and use the "Update NST System" button.
2010-10-06 NST Distribution v2.13.0 Was Released Today.
2010-09-10 Testing Woes
We were making tremendous progress at finalizing the 2.13.0 release. Unfortunately, updates to the Fedora 13 repository, related to the NetworkManager and dbus packages, have issues. The new versions of these packages prevent anaconda from installing to the hard disk. At the moment we are being patient hoping that Bug 626780 will be fixed for Fedora 13. There are is a lot of discussion going on related to this in Fedora livecd-list - see the August and September threads. We have found that we can still do a hard disk install using the following steps:
  • Create a bootable USB device from the NST ISO image using the livecd-iso-to-disk command with a persistence layer (NST_USB_FAQ)
  • Boot from the USB device.
  • Downgrade NetworkManager and dbus related packages:
[root@probe ~]# rpm -q NetworkManager NetworkManager-glib NetworkManager-gnome dbus-glib DeviceKit-power
[root@probe ~]# yum downgrade NetworkManager NetworkManager-glib NetworkManager-gnome dbus-glib DeviceKit-power

... output from downgrade omitted ...

[root@probe ~]# rpm -q NetworkManager NetworkManager-glib NetworkManager-gnome dbus-glib DeviceKit-power
[root@probe ~]#
  • After downgrading, reboot the system (this is why the persistence layer is required). If you don't have a persistence layer (for example you booted from a DVD), you can manually stop and start the updated services (make sure that the network service is stopped before starting NetworkManager):
[root@probe ~]# service network stop
Stopping network:                                          [  OK  ]
[root@probe ~]# service NetworkManager stop
Stopping NetworkManager:                                   [  OK  ]
[root@probe ~]# service messagebus stop
Stopping messagebus:                                       [  OK  ]
[root@probe ~]# service messagebus start
Starting messagebus:                                       [  OK  ]
[root@probe ~]# service NetworkManager start
Starting NetworkManager:                                   [  OK  ]
[root@probe ~]#
  • Perform the installation as you normally would.
2010-09-09 USB /home Workaround
When using the livecd-iso-to-disk command, it is often desirable to setup a /home partition for permanent data. Recent editions of the udev package prevent this /home partition from being auto mounted. If you are booting a Live Fedora based USB image (like NST) with a persistence layer, you should be able to work around this by downgrading the udev package to the prior version:
[root@probe ~]# rpm -q udev
[root@probe ~]# yum downgrade udev

... yum output omitted ...

[root@probe ~]# rpm -q udev
[root@probe ~]# 

2010-08-31 repoview
As we continue final testing and clean up for the 2.13.0 release, we've added HTML renderings of the NST yum repositories. You should be able to browse them at and
2010-03-25 World Map
Experimenting with adding world map generated from ntop IP addresses accessing the Wiki. See:

2010-02-09 Bug Fix
The detection for the completion of a Multi-Tap Network Packet Capture session has been corrected. Perform a 'yum update nstwui' to get the fix.
2009-11-15 New NST RPM Package Added
Package: nsthostiplookup was added for geolocating IP Addresses using site:
2009-10-30 New Route NST WUI page Added
A new NST WUI page route (IP Routing Table) was added. Use "yum update" or the "NST WUI Update page to get it from one of the NST repositories...
2009-10-29 Ntop Updated to v3.3.11 SVN-3974
A new Ntop version was released. "yum update" to get it from one of the NST repositories...
2009-10-29 Wireshark Updated to v1.2.3
A new Wireshark version was released. "yum update" to get it from one of the NST repositories...
2009-10-23 Snort RPM Updated to v2.8.5.1
A new Snort version was released. "yum update" to get it from one of the NST repositories...
2009-10-21 NST Wiki Updates
The NST Wiki Site has been upgraded to NST v2.11.0 running MediaWiki v1.15.1.
2009-10-08 Etherape Version Update (v0.9.8)
Includes performance increases, many bug fixes and some new enhancements. Yum update to get.
2009-09-26 NST WUI Maintenance Update
A new maintenance update for the NST WUI management interface is now available: Added additional action links to the RPM and NST Update (yum) page. Use the command: "yum update nstwui" or the NST WUI "NST Package Update & Management" page to get it.
2009-09-22 NST Distribution v2.11.0 Release today. Download this release from the NST Project At SourceForge.
2009-05-04 IE8 now Support by NST
Starting with NST v2.10.x, NST now supports the IE8 Web Browser.
2009-04-28 NST Work Continues On Development Of The v2.10.x Architecture
Major enhancements include and entire RPM based NST distribution and a NST Live boot with USB data persistence.
2009-01-24 NST WUI v1.8.1 Maintenance Release Update
Remote System Command Enhancements: Added many new predefined VMware ESX Server and Enterprise Server Sun Ray commands. VMware professionals and Sun Ray server admins will love this one...
2009-01-17 NST WUI v1.8.1 Maintenance Release Update
Multi-Tap Network Packet Capture improvements: Individual network packet capture count thresholds can now be set for each Tap member. A total maximum packet count threshold can be set for the entire Multi-Tap session. Added a session/capture termination initiator indicator. Also added convenient "Replicate Down" action links to the Multi-Tap Start Capture Form. See the README file for additional information on the latest updates and fixes.
2009-01-08 NST Distribution v1.8.1 Release today.
2008-10-22 NST WUI Maintenance Updates
You can now customize the Nmap Predefined Scan Options. Use the "Restore Nmap Predefined Scan Options" button to make sure you have the latest updates from the "2008-10-22" NST WUI build. See the README file for additional information on the latest updates and fixes.
2008-10-20 NST WUI Maintenance Updates
A new maintenance update for the NST WUI management interface is now available for the NST v1.5.0 and v1.8.0 release. The Google Chrome Browser is now supported. See the README file for additional information on the latest updates and fixes.
2008-08-27 NST WUI Maintenance Updates
A new maintenance update for the NST WUI management interface is now available for the NST v1.5.0 and v1.8.0 release. See the README file for information on the latest updates and fixes.
2008-07-07 NST WUI Maintenance Updates
A maintenance update for the NST WUI management interface is now available for the NST v1.5.0 and v1.8.0 release. This release fixes capture start and end times when a capture file is empty. It also reflects fixes made to time thresholds during capture with Wireshark v1.0.0 and greater. See the README associated with the update for further details. Use the menu "System" => "Downloads & Updates" => "NST WUI Update Management" page for installation.
2008-07-05 Wireless Setup Tips
A new section: "Wireless Setup Tips" has been added which includes a section with details on setting up a WPA-PSK wireless connection using the NST WUI.
2008-06-28 NST version 1.8.0 has been released
Down this release from Source Forge.
2007-10-26 New NST World Map
We switched to Platial for the NST World Map. Please register and add yourself to the NST Global Map.
2007-08-20 phpSysInfo
Added page showing how to get temperature and fan speed information added to the phpSysInfo output.
2007-06-14 Nessus v3.0.5
Detailed instructions for installing Nessus v3.0.5 onto a NST system can be found on the Nessus page - this has not been thoroughly tested (its been verified at least once).
2007-05-30 New Stable NST WUI Available
A stable update for the NST WUI management interface is now available for the NST v1.5.0 release. This updates include many enhancements to the Network Packet Capture Interface and bug fixes to the NST WUI. See the README associated with the update for further details. Use the "System" => "NST WUI Update Management" page for installation.
2007-04-01 Snort Patch Available
A patch is available to fix an issue in the /etc/rc.d/init.d/snortd file. This patch is only necessary for those that have hard disk installations and want the snortd service started at system boot time (see P200704011 in the Patch and Update Summary page for details).
2007-03-29 Graphviz Patch Available
A patch is available to fix an issue in the Graphviz package (see P200703171 in the Patch and Update Summary page for details).
2007-03-15 New NST WUI Available
A stable update for the NST WUI management interface is now available for the NST v1.5.0 release. This update includes many enhancements and bug fixes to the NST WUI. See the README associated with the update for further details. Use the "System" => "NST WUI Update Management" page for installation.
2007-03-10 Skype Available
One can now add the Skype (IM/VOIP client) package to a NST system from the NST Patch Management page (see U200703101 in the Patch and Update Summary page).
2007-03-09 Thunderbird Available
One can add Mozilla's Thunderbird (email/RSS/news client) to a NST system from the NST Patch Management page (see U200703091 in the Patch and Update Summary page).
2007-03-07 Snort Patch Updated Again
Applying patches to a Live CD has proven to be difficult. We have updated the snort patch once again to better support Live CD users. However, Live CD users will also need to update the NST WUI to the current development release. If you are using a hard disk or Virtual Machine installation of the NST and have already patched your system, you should not need to apply the new patch.
2007-03-06 Snort Patch Updated
The snort patch has been updated such that it will now work on a Live CD boot as well as a hard disk install. The version of snort can be found at: "/usr/bin/snort". On a hard disk install, the old version (at: "/usr/local/snort/snort") will be replaced by a symbolic link to the new version. On a Live CD boot, the file: "/usr/local/snort/snort" can not be updated and will remain at the old version (so, if you have any custom scripts, you should update them to use the new version at: "/usr/bin/snort").
2007-03-06 Snort Patch Available for NST 1.5.0
There is a security issue with the version of snort that shipped with the 1.5.0 release of the NST (see: We have made a patch available (see the Patch and Update Summary page) to update snort to version to address this issue. Unfortunately, this patch will not work on a Live CD boot (it only applies to hard disk installations and/or NST Virtual Machine installations). You may apply the patch by hand (review the patch instructions), or you may use the "NST Patch Management" page within the NST WUI to apply the patch.